Marketing Day 2016.

The Magic of the Story – Turning Clients into Fans.

Storytelling was the focus of the 10th Swiss Marketing Day.


People love stories – and have done so for thousands of years. Good storytellers can spellbind others. Stories awaken emotions, they animate. We can grasp facts better when they are packaged in a narrative.

Storytelling is taking centre stage thanks to the triumphant progress of content marketing and social media. Storytelling conveys implicit brand knowledge. Traditional brands tell of their charismatic founders or pioneering innovations. Young companies invent their our narrative and inspire millions with fascinating stagings.

Creative content marketing and professional storytelling can turn clients into fans.

But what makes for good storytelling? Why are some stories popular, while others are buried unheard in the depths of the Net? What are the requirements of content and form that make a good brand story? At Marketing Day 2016 we’ll be telling you some fascinating stories about storytelling. ((Zitat)) Discover how creative content marketing and professional storytelling can turn clients into fans. And get a preview of the amazing future ahead. A future which “storydoing” will be a part of. Consistently living out your own brand story.

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