Business Events, Time For a Change!

Two years after the COVID-19 crisis, business events are entering a new era. The game has changed, and so have participants' expectations. What used to work no longer makes the cut. So how do we create events that captivate, inspire, and leave a lasting impact? The answer lies in understanding your audience on a deeper level.


«Never change a running system?» That’s a misconception! The COVID crisis has radically shifted audience expectations, rendering old event models obsolete. Today, participants want more than just knowledge sharing and networking – they’re looking for authentic experiences, emotional engagement, and sustainable solutions.


Choosing the Right Event Format: Online or In-Person?

How has audience behavior changed post-pandemic? Social and economic trends are reflected in the way business events are evolving. As we move forward, mobility will be more fluid, and in-person events will be chosen with greater intention. The focus now is on understanding what drives people to attend face-to-face functions and meeting their needs.

In-Person Events: Building Lasting Customer Loyalty

In-person events are critical to fostering strong brand loyalty. They create opportunities for personal interaction and inspiration that go far beyond the exchange of information. Networking is a critical success factor that's hard to replicate in an all-digital environment.

Digital Events: Efficient for Knowledge, Limited for Connection

Digital events are great for delivering information, but they often lack the emotional connection that in-person events provide. Hybrid formats offer potential, especially when they help reduce environmental impact.

Tailored Experiences, Not One-Size-Fits-All Events

The return to in-person events isn’t just a trend – it’s a necessary response to digital fatigue and declining customer loyalty. Attendees now expect experiences that are personalized to their needs and preferences. Self-determination and customization are crucial to meeting these expectations.

Conclusion: Deeper Insights, Better Experiences

The future of successful business events lies in a major shift: moving away from rigid, one-size-fits-all formats and toward customized, tailored experiences. The key is in deep audience analysis, focusing on what truly matters to them. Those willing to embrace this change will see stronger customer loyalty and long-term success.

Business Development and Co-Owner

Michael Dancsecs is always thinking ahead – and acting on it. As an entrepreneur who experienced the future of communication first hand in Silicon Valley, he values genuine experiences over hollow likes.